Monday, December 29, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
Tonight is Winfried's birthday party. Marcus (the one I like) will be there, so that means I can't drink too much... don't want to be a fool infront of him :P
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Yesterday was exactly half a year since Steve and I broke up. But it was a good day regardless. I will always love him, and miss him, but I am getting on with life.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Friday: Hung out with Brett, Nathan, and Robby and the guy's apartment. They played video games while Brett and I looked at hot men in the new People magazine.
Saturday: Went cross-country skiing in Yellowstone with Maeva. That night went to a party with Brett. Didn't drink, it was my second sober Bozeman weekend. I haven't drank in quite a while. Blake tried to hookup with me, but I told him about Paul. I don't think anything's going to happen with Paul. Whatever.
Sunday: Slept all day, did nothing. Ate sweets and talked with Martine in her room and took goofy pictures. Stayed in my pajamas all day.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
God, mend my heart,
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
I woke up in a good mood today, got lots of things done. Then Steve texted not too long ago, he wants to talk tonight. I am moving on with life, but it's so hard. I sometimes wonder if he has a "Michelle Happiness Radar", and every time I am moving forward he needs to swoop down and put an obstacle in my path. But I am going to get though, get through, get through everything. I know what I want in life, and that is where I am trying to put my heart.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Rules for Saying Goodbye - Katherine Taylor
One. Do not leave until he has mentioned two ex-girlfriends in casual conversation. If you are sure you want to leave and he has not mentioned two ex-girlfriends in conversation, mention two ex-boyfriends and see what happens.
Two. Leave if he starts writing songs about other people. These will be songs of loss and their details will have nothing to do with you. Shame on you for dating a musician. At your age.
Three. Once you have decided to go, say nice things about him to his friends. Say things they will repeat to him later. Also, and this should be obvious: do not fuck his friends. There is that one who will try to take advantage; the one with all the cashmere sweaters whom you have half a crush on who has already phoned you to ask if everything is all right. Do not do anything that will incriminate you once you are not there to defend yourself.
Four. Buy things to leave in his house, things he won’t have the energy to throw out, like jars of the peanut butter you like. Do not leave things you might want later. Leave hair rubber bands and your toothbrush, but not your Sonicare toothbrush.
Five. Flirt with his mother. Flirt mercilessly until she adores you. Be sure she will chastise him once you go and that she will ask herself repeatedly, “Where did I go wrong?” If you do not smoke, take it up in order to share furtive cigarettes with her in the guest bathroom. Always carry very nice cigarettes, but not overly nice – Nat Sherman, for example, but not Cartier gold-tipped. If you have not already done it by the time you decide to leave, knit a scarf that matches her eyes. When she admires it, take it off your neck and give it to her. It will be easier for her to wear later if she doesn’t think you knitted it specifically for her, and throughout winter and next fall, the scarf itself and his whole family will remind him how gracious you were.
Six. Your handwriting should be ubiquitous: grocery lists left in his coat pockets, telephone messages used as bookmarks, notes on the refrigerator and in his bedside drawer, directions to friends’ houses left in the passenger side door of his car.
Seven. Cry politely. Do not cry like a horse.
Eight. If you must say mean things, say them in a delicate, lovely voice, the same voice you used to say “I love you,” the same voice you used when you made promises you really did intend to keep. Do not shout or make ugly faces.
Nine. The last time he sees you will be the morning. He will come home from work and be surprised to find you gone. Be sure to smell good that morning, even if you have to get up before he does and pat a scent behind your ears. Touch his face softly, even if you have been arguing. Say “goodbye” tenderly, with love, so that he thinks everything will be fine. If you are very good, you will be able to give him that look that assures him everything will be fine, that he will come home and you will be nice again, that all your anger will have turned back to love. This will increase the impact of your departure.
Ten. Write a note on very nice paper. Make it simple. Dear Henry, I have loved you completely. Be too hurt to sign your name.
Eleven. Call a taxi. Have too much pride to phone your brother or your best friend. Leave in tears, broken, and make sure his next door neighbor sees you. She is a stripper and she will comfort him. You will be safe knowing that he’s in the arms of the stripper and not his assistant. Do not go back to retrieve things you have forgotten, like your climbing shoes or laundry you left in the dryer. Once you are gone, be gone for good.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
I found out my best friend and an old ex/good friend got drunk and hooked up last weekend, I'm not jealous, other than the fact everyone around me is finding passion. And I am alone. Nobody loves me. My dogs love me, my parents love me, my friends love me, but no one is in love with me. And no one cares.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
I've written a poem, a song, and drawn.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
I have not eaten any form of meat in six days.
Halloween was alright. Drove to Wes, Christian, and Peters' apartment, stopped by to take pictures with the internationals first. We went to JT's party, to be honest if I weren't so drunk it wouldn't have been so super. There were lots of people that I graduated high school with, but they were mostly the "popular" crowd that I didn't really talk to. But like I said I was pretty drunk and chatted a bit, but stayed pretty calm cause I didn't want to make a scene of myself infront of them. Afterwards we went back to the apartment and watched scary movies all night, I think that was my favorite part. Except Nathan asked me why I'm still not over Steve, and I said cause I love Steve, and he said that he really thinks I need to enjoy my youth cause Steve and I won't be happening again, even if he does come home next summer. He said this was from his own perspective, Steve didnt' say anything to him, but it still hurt.
The rest of the weekend I just rested and did nothing, went to be early on Saturday and it was great.
I really am trying.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
I may have failed but I have loved you from the start.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
sobriety is awesome.
Last night was fun. Party at Clay's house, I was one of the only sober ones... for once.

Friday, October 24, 2008
I am very unhappy.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Monday, October 13, 2008
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Eg e sjempe syk idag :[
Last weekend was pretty good. Thursday I was at N. Hedges with some people, we drank a bit, and it doesn't take much for me... BAAAAD I KNOW! But I made sure I got ALL my homework done and even did my weekend's homework before I went, and I drank a liter of water and was good in the morning. Friday was pretty great. I went out with Maeva and met with the other internationals and drank in Pryor, and then we went to some bar/club place and danced and danced and danced but I was pretty drunk to be honest and I made quite the spectical of myself and everyone thought I hooked up with one of the German guys Markus cause I mostly hung out with him, but that was just because he was being so nice and I was drunk and just wanted a friend. But yesterday Maeva told me I was crowding her a bit and asked me if my old friends don't miss having meals with me, and I got the hint and she said I'm of course free to sit with her friends but now I feel so awkward and I just don't know where I belong. And she wasn't being rude about it at all, I need my space too so I am not offended at all, I mean yesterday and today I've been to just Hannon for meals but I never know if I'm going to have someone to sit with, even though I'm so much younger than the internationals it was at least nice knowing I had a group to eat with.. and this week has just been hard and I am menstrally emotional and I REALLY miss Steve like none other... God! What I would give to be curled up next to him!! I just feel really depressed right now and sick (literally-not just stress wise) and I just want to go home but it's supposed to snow this weekend and I'm not driving on the interstate on the ice.
On the bright side, I think Steve and I will be getting back together next summer, we've been talking alot but I don't really know, but I think so. And I am going to not drink so much anymore because I am sick of being a fool and I want to try and work even harder in classes it's just so difficult when I don't even know what I am working for or what I am even trying to achieve.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Oh and... Steve is comming back next summer. Hence one of the reasons I don't want to trap myself in a new relationship (but not the only reason). I miss him alot. To be honest I don't think I'll even fully get over him.
But I do reeeeeeeeally like Chris :]
Saturday, September 20, 2008
So last night C came to my dorm and we walked to the volleyball game and met his roommate there. It was cool but Arizona killed us and C and I left early and came back to my room and I showed him my pictures from Canada, France, and Norway. After that we were going to go to the dance they were having on campus but when we got there it was pretty crappy. It was early, so it was probably just because most people hadn't come yet. His friend new about this party that wasn't too far away so we met up with his roommate and another guy and went to a pirate party, as yesterday was Talk Like a Pirate Day. It was CRAZY! By the end of the night there was at LEASE 80-90 people jammed into this house! I know I said I wouldn't drink, but I did get a little drunk (just to my comfort level, I could still think and walk) and C admitted that he likes me and was really nervous about asking me out! We had alot of fun. I accidentally gave my number to a French foreign exchange student who was there, even though I like C I didn't really think of it like that haha. And there was another guy who kept telling me he loved me every time I ran into him and kept kissing my hand and randomly kissed me on the cheek!
Anyway, long story short C and I came back to my room (roomie is home for the weekend) and he stayed the night. All we did was makeout, I sweeeeeeeear, I don't mess around unless I'm in a serious relationship, but it was fuuuuuuun ;]
Friday, September 19, 2008
What a beautiful day!
The hot guy in my math class gave me his phone number and wants to meet tonight!!!
Oh and this weekend will be a sober weekend, I need a break.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
A rock feels no pain, and an island never cries.
too much, because I made two drunken makeout mistakes (since I've been SINGLE, mind you) he doesn't know if he doesn't want to get back together, and doesn't know if he's going to this summer.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
I used to say... "It's not like I'm drunk every weekend!"
I miss Steve so, so fucking much.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
My parents are comming up to visit today, they'll be here in an hour and a half.
I'm really fuckin worried about the hurricane in Texas. A&M even closed yesterday to let students go home, but Steve is stuck there. I'm reaaaaaaally stressed about it :[
Friday, September 12, 2008
Guess who called
It took him four days but he did call. And he is pretty upset about my drunken makeout sessions. Not that I blame him, I mean of course we're not together anymore but I was drunk texting him only a couple hours before I snogged Z last Friday telling him how much I love him. Fuckk, I really fucked up. He says he still loves me, and I asked him if I fucked up any future chance we might have had and he says no, he's just pretty upset about the whole thing. I feel sooooooooooo shitty. Fuck me.
To be honest, it's still really confusing. Part of me wants to just go CRAZY and party and drink and snog and just have fun, but the other 90% of me just wants to wait for Steve and have things as they were before.
Og eg savne Norge såååååå fuckin mye, håbe eg kan gå på Bergen Universitet neste år.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
I do feel much better. I also went to another burlesque dancing fitness class. Steve still hasn't called, I've waited three days. I will be moving on now.
Well, you know, I'll try.
And hopefully no one has forgotten what happened today seven years ago. May God be with us.
Top: Indiska, Jeans: Ross, Flats: Bianco
Guess who never called. Go figure.
Yesterday Olivia and I went to a burlesque dancing fitness class, and we're going again today. It was soooooooo much fun!!
I think I may have figured out what I want to do with my life. Maybe. But I can't tell anyone cause I don't want to jinx it. It's given me alot more motivation to work harder in college. But honestly, sometimes I feel so hopeless and ugly, and it's so rediculous. When I lay in bed at night I just wish I could go back to how things were a year ago, with Steve. What the hell Steve. And I think about how the only guys that have hit on me since I got here have been drunk. And we all know how alcohol makes everyone look better. Fuck me I just feel shitty.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Today's Outfit
Cardigan: Old Navy, Tank: Target, Skirt: Mango, Tights: H&M, Flats: Target
I went to go work out at the university gym yesterday for the first time, I took a yoga and a body sculpting class, they both kicked my butt! Afterwards I weighed myself, and it turns out I've lost 5 lbs in the week and a half I've been here! exciting!
I called Steve yesterday, and asked him what am I to him. He said we would talk about it today or tomorrow. Whatever.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Scarf: H&M, Tshirt: Ross, Pants: Voice of Europe, Shoes: Richard Tyler
Sunday, September 7, 2008
I went to the house again for another party last night, I had told Steve I wasn't ever going to drink again but after talking to my room mate about it we both decided that moderation is best, especially with my addictive personality that swings from one extreme to the other. I stopped at two beers and declined when offered more. I was sooooo tired, I had only had two and a half hours of sleep the night before, and no naps during the day, so I ended up passing out all cuddled on the couch at around 10.30 and slept through the whole party! And now I have homework.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Gettin an education?
I am a fucking slut and I don't like who I've become this summer.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Top: Forever21, Jeans: Ross, Shoes: Payless, Necklace: H&M
Tonight I am going to the campus danse with Brett and her roommate, and then we are going to go pAArty. I need to focus on my work more.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Classes started yesterday.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Okay, college is fun, maybe a bit too much.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
At college, and sick
Saturday, August 23, 2008
5 days...
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Steve called today.
I'm meeting Jenna and Olivia tonight. Jenna's leaving for Missoula tomorrow morning, I'm going to be pretty sad about that, she has been one of my best friends for the past 5 years, hell, she was my only best friend in 8th grade. We've been through alot, but at least it's only 3 hours away from Bozeman.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Only nine more days of putting up with them...
Monday, August 18, 2008
I'm alright.
The other day I was mowing the lawn, and it smelled like fall, it was peacefull.
I would really like to start a fashion blog, and take pictures of people on the streets with interesting clothes and post them. Unfortunatly, this is Montana, not much in the way of fashion but maybe people will be more creative with their clothes at Bozeman.