Sunday, October 12, 2008

Quick post, I have homework. Friday I went to a party with Brett, didn't drink, I was driving. Nasty creeper kept hitting on me and refused to leave me alone, so Blake pretended to be my boyfriend so he'd back off. Mostly chatted with Blake, it was cool and I wasn't in a hookup mood at all but then he kissed me out of nowhere and I was like, Ok, it's his birthday and then he started making out with me!! I didn't know what to make of it, he was verrry drunk and I was verrrry sober, but I kind of went along with it cause he's a cool guy and like I said it was his birthday, but it was awkward cause I kept thinking about Steve. I miss him so, SO much. So whatever. I drove Brett and Blake back to Hedges and Blake tried to convince me to stay the night in his dorm and I said no of course. Last night went out to dinner with Brett and Robby, went back to Robby and Nathan's apartment and played drinking games but I got soooooooo sick, which is weird cause I never get sick til the next day, and I had quite a bit of beer but not sooooooo much, I didn't even get as drunk as usual but I think that means my body is building up a tolerance which is baaaad and means I am drinking too much. So I am definatly going to cut back and I really did drink less this weekend than most and I need to continue watching myself. Anyway Brett and I went back to Hedges and I stayed the night there (she used Rob's breathalizer and was good to drive, it registered at 0) and today Audrey's aunt was giving facials so we went there and now I am going to go do my homework THE END.

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