Sunday, October 19, 2008

This weekend was interesting. On Friday I went to Oktoberfest with the international students, and got really wasted... go figure. But it was alot of fun. Then Markus, Heidi, Nathan, and I went back to Johnstone and Matt and Brad were there and some other people showed up and we played Apples to Apples. Last night I went to Christian, Wes, and Peters' house and Zach and David were there. David was hitting on me, but I would never ever hook up with him. I hooked up with Zach a couple months ago one night when we were waaaaaaaay to smashed to function. I wanted to make out with him just for the sake of making out, Ive felt kind of shitty since I told Steve I still love him a few days ago and he said he'd call me the next day, but of course never did. And making out does make me feel better... pathetic right?!?! What the fuck??! Anyway the boys were fucking glued to the stupid video game and Audrey and I were sooooooo bored so she and her friend got high (I won't touch drugs) and then we got drunk. It just sucked. Blake was texting me and wanted me to come over to watch a movie, aka hookup I bet. He's a good guy, but I think he gets laid alot, and would probably be expecting more, and I never do more than makeout with hookups so I just stayed at the house. I am iming Cassie about Steve right now. It's bringing tears to my eyes.

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