Ummmmm.... wow. Did I ever get shitfaced last night. Tried to send Steve sexy texts and told him how much I love him... and then I got even drunker and made out with this guy Zach I met... gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. And now I am stressing that it might get back to Steve, and then he might not come back for the summer cause maybe he'll see me as a skank... fuck. I mean, last night was fun, just hanging out with everyone...n stuff, but the whole time I was snogging Zach I kept thinking about Steve, and then Zach said something about butterfly kisses and then he mentioned something about smurfs and I felt my eyes well up cause they were all inside things with Steve but I didn't cry, just almost. What the fuck. And then I would stop snogging him and try to go to sleep but everytime he would just want to start talking and asking me about my interests which was sweet but I was really drunk, REALLY tired, and pretty emotional about Steve and really was in no mood to chat. I am feeling like a slut. A shitty slut. I mean, I didn't fool around with Zach, I just don't usually do hookups. I just end up feeling crappy afterwards. I AM SO EMOTIONAL AND I FUCKIN MISS STEVE.
I am a fucking slut and I don't like who I've become this summer.
1 comment:
For d fusta: Du e isje ei slut!!
Og d e veldi domt alt d me Steve å sånnt :( Håpe ting ordne seg for deg vennen<3
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