Sunday, July 26, 2009

Life is good. Chatted with Steve about two weeks ago, fought it out a little and it was good. I am still in love with him and I always will be. Jeff texted me out of the blue Wednesday night like "Hey how's it going? I was thinking about ya blah blah blah blah blah" I talked to him a little but didn't do too much to keep the conversation going and I guess he eventually gave up. Jerk, how dare you make me crazy in my head again! I have deleted the texts so I don't have his number any more, the best I can do is forget about him. Julia has been here from Germany, she's leaving tomorrow afternoon. We've been white water rafting, gone to Bozeman and Red Lodge, it's been fun. Jenna and I have been spending a lot of time together too, lots of little adventures. Yesterday was great, I went rock climbing on the rims in the morning and then last night met with Julia and Jenna and had a picnic and saw The Ugly Truth and then went skinnydipping in Lake Elmo, so scary but thrilling!! We didn't get to sleep til late and had to wake up early so I could drive Julia home, I was going off of 2 or 3 hours of sleep so after breakfast Jenna and I crawled into bed and slept til 3 in the afternoon. Then we went shopping for a bit and got creme brulee ice cream and ate it for dinner! Yumm, but I am getting fatter. We also went to the Holiday station to see if Owen was working and he was. He's shaved off his beard and it looks really good, I totally wanted to snog him and he may or may not of heard me talking to Jenna about him when we were walking back to my car and I didn't see him...

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